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Home >> Interviews >> “The double necked violin has a full orchestral range” – L. Shenkar
14th November, 2014
“The double necked violin has a full orchestral range” – L. Shenkar

Global Community of India and InSync (A 24 hour classical music TV classical channel) recently brought down World Music and Grammy winning music artist Violinist L Shenkar in Mumbai who performed with his 10 string stereophonic Double Violin on Sunday 9th November 2014 at Sri Shanmukhananda Auditorium, Mumbai. 

Performing along with him was world renowned guitar virtuoso Mike Albert who has released several solo albums and worked with many great artists and was once part of famous metal band 'Megadeth'. 

​L Shenkar is widely regarded as a musical genius and a pioneer in world music. He has enthralled audiences across the world. He has performed solo and with the biggest names in musical genres as diverse as Indian Classical, Jazz, Rock, Ethnic, etc to create a most exciting stream of World Music. He also has collaborated with famous international artists like George Harrison, Michael Jackson, Dave Stewart, John Lydon, Frank Zappa, Madonna, Bruce Springton, Sting and others. He also co- founded the path - breaking fusion group "Shakti" and co - wrote all their compositions with Guitarist John McLaughlin. 

The concert also saw the likes of Sisters M. Lalitha and M.Nandini on Violin, Maynard Grant- Drums, and Abu - creative percussionist, Manikanadan - Thavil and keyboard artist.

Post the concert, we managed to catch up with L Shenkar for a quick one on one to know more about his unique double necked violin and why he has now made the shift to India. Excerpts from the interview:

Why have you changed your name from Laxminarayana Shankar to L Shankar?

Over 30 years ago, when I travelled as L.Shankar and I travelled all over the world. In Germany they called me Ludwig Shankar; in Brazil they called me Leroy Shankar. In America, they called me Larry. They kept using all different kind of names for L. So eventually, I just changed it to Shenkar and changed the spelling as well. It was more for numerological than for astrological reasons.

Tell us how did the concept of the double violin come about?

In the late 1970’s when Frank Zappa produced my record, a solo record called “Touch Me There”, it had a lot of instruments like double bass, cello, viola, violin and other instruments. I had to carry a lot of instruments to get all these sounds. The only way out was to design an instrument that had the whole orchestral range. Besides, I also have a vocal range of five octaves. So if I am singing high, I could do a keyboard sound because in my violin I can also get a keyboard sound, a guitar sound, a flute sound. So I designed one instrument to cover the range of the entire orchestra.

What kind of sounds can this violin give you?

Double bass, cello, viola, violin.

Could you let us know about the two necks of the violin and how each is different?

The upper one generates the treble sounds, the violin and viola and the lower one has the bass sounds like the cello and double bass.

Do you think a violin like this could be sold commercially? Have you patented it?

Yes, it can be sold commercially. I did patent the instrument. It cost so much money when I patented it. But you have to do it separately in each country and it is a complicated process. When I used it on my solo album and then on a Phil Collins album, everybody knows it’s my violin and it’s there on the internet. It would cost thousands of dollars to patent it. There have been many who have wanted to copy it without my permission in India and also abroad.

Do you play any other instrument besides the violin?

I play guitar, the keyboards, and the bass guitar too

Was the violin your first instrument?

No, the voice was my first instrument. I started voice at the age of two and then at five I started learning the violin. When I was seven I started the drums.

Are you still using the violin you first made?

Yes, this is the first one. It’s about 35 years old now. Then I had a second version which was stolen. I am in the process of making a third edition which will be out in 2015.

Have you made such violins for anybody else?

No, nobody else.

Has any other artiste requested you, you‘ve worked with Peter Gabriel, Lou Reed and others?

I think if a company produces this, it would be quite popular.

Where did you make this?

I got this made in New York City. I designed everything and gave it to a guitar Ken Parker and he hand made everything in two months. Each neck has five strings. While you are playing one neck you can get sympathetic effects on the other neck. The bow is the same for both.

You co-founded Shakti with John McLaughlin. Any reason why the group disbanded?

There was no particular reason why it disbanded. Each one went their own way. It got a bit crazy in terms of time, but it was a great group.

Are you in touch with John McLaughlin? He does come down to India often?

Not recently, but I will see him at some point soon. We have been crossing paths in different countries.

Have you collaborated with anybody in India, like A.R.Rehman?

Any project in the pipeline, any album coming up?

In the last six years, I have released six albums. “Open the doors” which has many huge stars, then “Face to Face”, then “In a box” then “The Revelation”. Recently, I released “Champion” and then I also scored for more than fifty seven episodes of TV series like “Heroes”, a lot of it vocals completely. I also worked on an album with Patrick Leonard who wrote all the hits for Madonna, which is more on the Life of Siddhartha which is a world music album

You’ve done a lot of work with Hollywood. Have you worked with Bollywood too?

I’m open to it since I’ve moved to India last December, plus I’m working on an album with Robert Trujillo, the bass player of Metallica. I have lots of projects going on, I’m always working and open to any offers.

Interviewed by Verus Ferreira


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