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28th September, 2020
Art-Rockers Daira release their new single ‘Basar’ with music video

Mumbai based independent Art/Alt-Rock band Daira recently released the official music audio and video of their new single Basar. This song release date 26th Sepetmber, also marks 5 years since the release of Daira’s debut self-titled album. Basar talks about recognizing your talent, pursuing it and keeping at it. The song is a homage to everyone who identifies their passion, does not hesitate in taking the tough road and makes a livelihood out of what they are respected for.

“Since the inception of the band, we have been experimenting with our songwriting. With Basar we had approached a simpler songwriting process with an aim to reach out to a wider audience.” says the band's front man and lyricist Piyush Kapoor. The music video features some notable names from the music industry like Arunaja, Siddharth Basrur, Sahil Khattar, Anand Bhaskar, MC Mawali, 100RBH and others.

In these difficult times where the global pandemic has impaired the functionality of mankind and the world is trying to limp back to normalcy, the five plus minutetrack sets the tone of inspiration. The chorus ‘Wahan Basartubana, jahan qadar ho teriwahan’ translates to ‘Make your livelihood out of what you are recognized for’. Basar was composed back in 2016 with the starting lineup of the band consisting of Chaitanya Bhaidkar on guitars and GovindGawli on the bass. The song is mixed and mastered by Arsh Sharma, from India’s premium electronic-act ‘FuzzCulture’. Basaralso features a music video, compiled and edited by Fahad Sheikh.

Along with the release of Basar, Daira is also kickstarting a Patreon account that will accept contributions from the people who believe in the band's music. Having released 3 full-length albums since their inception, Dairawill now release a few singles in the coming months.

Daira is

Piyush Kapoor – Vocals & Lyrics

Pratik Kulgod – Drums

Vikalp Sharma – Guitars

Shivam Pant – Guitars

Sourya Mukherjee – Bass

Basar is out now on all streaming platforms. You can hear the track and watch the video by clicking the below links;



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