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16th May, 2021
Punk On Toast release a politically charged single ‘The Nation Wants To Know’

After releasing their 11track live album, “Grugs Are Dood” in March 2021, Mumbai based Punk Rock band has released their latest single The Nation Wants To Know.

Titled after the popular prime time television phrase, the song talks about how politicians have exploited the people of the country. The song is inspired by the band's core influences like Bad Religion, NOFX and Pennywise. This track is the first studio release of the band, which has been produced by guitarist, Kunal Dole. The band recorded the song over 2 weekends and mixed it remotely.

“It's been more than a year since the pandemic has changed our lives, and the band has tried to make an honest attempt to release music in these difficult times, with this single, the band is attempting to point out the cloak of lies, both visible and convoluted by calling things just as they are” said frontman Aditya Naik.

According to guitarist and producer Kunal Dole, “Our beloved motherland has seen unimaginable turmoil in the past few months. The powers that are, have deemed certain things, which are profitable to them, to be more important than the welfare of a nation in crisis. 

The anger was certainly felt in the studio when we recorded the track”

Listen to the single here:


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