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19th May, 2021
Independent artist Mikail launches his third single ‘Dystopia’

After his debut single No Feeling in March 2021, followed by song the Stitches, Mumbai based independent artist singer Mikail released his third song on 16th May, titled Dystopia. The song is written, composed and performed by Mikail.

Dystopia, as the title suggests, highlights the current unrest situation across the world. The heartfelt lyrics addresses the pain and suffering and a shadow of anxiety that’s taken over people’s minds.

Speaking about the track, Mikail says, “These are testing times and it’s heart-breaking to see people struggling all around for various other reasons. I felt the pain and thought of giving words to my feelings. I hope everyone connects to the song at some point. I wish and pray for everyone’s safety and health.”

Mikail shares a deep passion for music and meaningful words. The 20-year-old began his journey couple of months back and has independently released three songs so far, each of them being different and versatile. Mikail says, “It all began with my love for words and just the fact that how much can be said using the right words. I used to write poems and quotes and thanks to my mom and teachers who saw potential in me and helped me nurture my inner performer. They were the ones who taught me how to communicate well and dad taught me how to add style and appeal to it. So yes, that’s where the writer in me comes from and I believe in less words and more depth.”

He further adds, “I was introduced to HipHop pretty late in my life, all thanks to my best friend Zaki. He was the one who made me hear various artistes and eventually I developed a liking for it. I always wanted to make my own music so that’s how I picked up the guitar for the first time with an intention to make my own tunes and melodies. It took me a couple of years to sort of understand the technicalities involved in music making and that was encouraged in me by my friend Aryaman, who has quite an ear for music. So yep, I have tried to combine my liking for modern music and meaningful lyrics but that doesn’t mean I won’t go stupid at times (laughs), it’s good to go stupid and be experimental.”

Mikail continues, “A major shout out to my friends Ujval, Aadit and she, who had the patience to hear all my scrappy recordings and get back to me with constructive reviews and have always supported me. It’s just the start for me and I hope to continue with this journey and offer people a sort of an escape from reality during the minutes they spend hearing out my work and at the same time relate to my words.”



Performed and Composed by Mikail Shaikh Produced by Sidharth Vohra Mastering by Parth Sharma

Click on the link to watch the video of Dystopia


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