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07th October, 2014
Tata Sky revives Indian poetry with Javed Akhtar

In yet another first, Tata Sky, the leading DTH player recently announced the launch of Actve Javed Akhtar service in partnership with Javed Akhtar, one of the finest lyricists of India. This innovative service gives Tata Sky subscribers an opportunity to experience the rich and classic poetic culture with an unconventional and modern approach.

This interactive platform will have Javed Akhtar describing the true essence of some of the most beautifully penned shayaris and dohas of yesteryears, reminding us of its relevance and definition in context to our lives today. This conversational format with Javed Akhtar is followed by shayaris and dohas sung by contemporary artists such as Tochi Raina, Roop Kumar Rathod, Shweta Pandit, AakritiKakkar, Abhijit Pohankar and many more.

Apart from the video format, the interactive service will also allow viewers to learn meaning of various Urdu and Sanskrit words used in the Dohas and Shayari with the help of the built-in On-demand option.Thus aiding subscribers incomprehension and enhancing vocabulary.

At the launch, Mr. Vikram Mehra, Chief Commercial Officer, Tata Sky said: “Actve Javed Akhtar will enable our audience to relive and learn from the eons of classic Indian poetry with acontemporary touch. Wehence associated with Javed Akhtar, who will walk us through centuries of soulful shayaris and dohas.”

Tata Sky prides in being the preferred DTH player with a list of popular interactive services as part of their offerings. Actve Javed Akhtar will be another innovative feather in the cap of Tata Sky. This interactive service is available on a monthly subscription and can be availed by a simple SMS (‘Javed’ to 56633) or missed call (076791 76791).

Commenting on his association, Mr.Javed Akhtar said, “I am pleased to collaborate with Tata Sky in their endeavor to bring back the essence of our literature. This is a project which is very close to my heart as it resonates my love for the subject. The service revolves around the golden shayaris and dohas of Galib, Mir, Kabeer, Rahim and many more, which will continue to appeal to the people regardless of the constant changes that take place in today’ world.”

Tata Sky has partnered with Insync (India's first 24x7 Classical Based Music Television Channel) to collaborate with composers and 50 singers (fresh talent as well as renowned artists) to create original songs for the service, Actve Javed.

Iskolagadala to life jingalala!

A glimpse of the interactive service:

Doha -http://youtu.be/AuhUiL0TpDE

Shayari - http://youtu.be/422WwmoeLAQ

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