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14th August, 2021
The Symphony Orchestra of India invites Indian Composers to share their finest compositions

The Symphony Orchestra of India strives to provide opportunities for talented Indian musicians in the field of western classical music. Apart from performing the mainstays of the orchestral repertoire, the SOI is now seeking Indian composers to submit works to be performed by their musicians, providing a platform for lndian composers from around the world to showcase their work and have their music performed.

Commenting on the initiative, Marat Bisengaliev, Music Director, Symphony Orchestra of India, said “The SOI has always been at the forefront in providing a platform to encourage musical talent.  Through the Call for Composers initiative, we aim to promote our local composers and present their work to a much larger audience.”


Applicants must be of Indian nationality or hold OCI cards. Applicants must be above 18 years of age.

How to apply:

Form: https://forms.gle/nmFMpnLtjH6uKeAb9

A PDF score and audio (MP3) of your composition together with a copy of the first and last page of your passport/OCI card to be sent to soi@ncpamumbai.com, with the subject line “Call for Composers – [your name]”. Audio files can be notation software audio renderings, MIDI mock-ups, or live recordings.

Instrumentation: Solo instruments (from the following list) or any small, medium or large ensemble. Maximum instrumentation: 1 flute, 1 oboe, 1 clarinet, 1 bassoon, 1 French horn, 1 trumpet, percussion, piano/keyboard, and strings.

Composers may submit up to two works

Terms & Conditions:

Selected compositions will be performed/recorded by musicians of the SOI or the SOI Chamber Orchestra, and those composers will receive an honorarium and publicity on the NCPA and SOI social media platforms.

Submission of works does not guarantee performance. The selection of works to be performed is at the sole discretion of the Symphony Orchestra of India.

Submission deadline:

September 12, 2021

For more details, visit: 



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