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22nd January, 2022
Keyboard that’s super fun and easy to learn

A new year is an opportunity for a fresh start with a clean state of mind. Experience something new that brings positivity in life. It is the right time of the year to try that beginner music lesson you’ve been putting off for months. Learning musical instruments not only make you stress free but also helps in building your self-confidence. Take time out for yourself this new year and include this in your daily activities which is super fun and easy to learn.

Casio brings to you Casiotone (CT-S200) keyboards which are super fun, super cool and super easy to learn. This new year indulge in musical learning and see how it will change your life.

The Casio CT-S200 Casiotone is a budget-friendly 61-key portable keyboard. It features an LCD display along with intuitive controls. The keyboard is also compatible with Casio’s mobile app “Chordana Play” through which you can learn how to play different songs. The keyboard is equipped with 400 tones and 77 rhythms. It also has 13 Indian tones and 14 rhythms. There’s also a Dance Music mode that lets you create your own music composition. The Casio CT-S200 Casiotone is ideal for those who are just starting out since the keyboard is beginner-friendly hence you can keep your resolution and not break it like you would usually do.

Recently Casio India donated 300 projectors in support with Global Hunt Foundation to set up digital connectivity across underprivileged and backward communities of Delhi, Assam and Tripura. Casio’s ‘Gyan Ki Roshini’ CSR initiative aims to inculcate social, cultural, environmental, and financial skills among communities that lack basic access and understanding of larger life concepts. These skills are fostered though digital connectivity which has been established through provision of more than 300 Casio led laser hybrid projectors across government aided schools, colleges, skill training institutes, observation homes, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, tea estates and various other institutes.

This project is likely to benefit around 10,000 individuals including children, women, farmers, youth, and transgender among others, who will be digitally get connected to the larger world.




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