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11th October, 2022
Delhi based Awake After Midnight releases ‘Dvaita’

Awake After Midnight are a Delhi based band formed in 2018. The band has 5 members, and started off as a rock band, but have evolved into other genres such as alternative rock, heavy metal, punk pop.

The band was formed by the two current core members - lead guitarist and multi-instrumentalist Shiv Pratap Singh and lead vocalist Ishaan Jha.

The band has the ideology of pushing the idea of art away from the stereotypical boundaries that it seems to have limited itself into and express art as a liberating, real, raw and powerful medium to open minds rather than just a source of entertainment.

The band actively speaks in favor of free thought and spreads awareness about the topics that are less discussed among the public such as mental health, feminism and upliftment of the society as a whole by the means of art and speaking up about these topics.

Awake after Midnight recently released a new song Dvaita The concept of the song is simple and yet very dynamic since the song talks about something that each and every one of us faces in our daily lives, the constant battle between good/bad and right/wrong that we have with every small and big decision we make. It also talks about the thoughts we have about who is to be trusted, blamed, thanked and held responsible for our actions and actions of others that affect us. The simplest explanation of the video is that it’s the journey of a believer that believes in anything but himself and becomes what he fears. The character in the video shifts every decision he takes on an entity that is only in his mind.

The lyrics of the song talk about the same and compels the listeners to take responsibilities of their own actions be it good or bad rather than finding the easy way out of it by shifting the blame and urges them to hold themselves responsible to make things right unlike the character in the video. The message being that your faith is only as strong as you are. The chorus says “My eyes see what my mind believes, face of God as I imagine it.” It’s quite simple and self-explanatory and yet powerful as the words make the point of the song as clear as anything can be.

Awake after Midnight aims to make sure that they create art that encourages the idea of being more human. Less of hatred, more of love, without turning a blind eye towards the negativity that exists around. They strongly believe that ignorance makes us blind but accepting and understanding it can truly help us in turning it into something better or positive and if not turn it into something positive, at least it shows us a small or big means to make it better. And we do have a strong emphasis on mental health awareness which is a heavily ignored subject in India.

Click on the link below to watch the music video of Dvaita on YouTube:



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