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27th October, 2022
Vivacious performance by young dancer Aarti

Young and talented Bharata natyam dancer from Bangalore, Aarti rendered a vivacious  dance debut performance on Sunday 16th October at DMRIT Dhwani auditorium, Kundalahalli in Bangalore.

Slim and trim Aarti casted a spell on the audience with her lively performance, besides revealing her command over expressional dancing and precise execution of intricate rhythmic patterns, blending well with stylized movements.

The Bharata natyam Arangetram is of specific significance, as after years of rigorous training, the dancer ascends the stage, while seeking the blessings of the Almighty, mentors and elders for a successful performance and the first step towards professional dancing. Aarti performed selected items from the Bharata natyam repertoire with effortless ease and enthusiasm.

Aarti is the daughter of Smt Lata and Ananth Krishnan and the disciple of accomplished Bharatanatyam exponent and mentor, Guru Mamatha Karanth. Aarti commenced her early training in dance at the age of 6 under the tutelage of Smt Radhika and is seeking guidance from Guru Mamatha Karanth for the last 14 years and is currently preparing for Poorva Vidwat examination from Karnataka State Board of Examination. Aarti has also been learning Carnatic music from Sangeeta Shiromani Sulochana Thgarajan for ten years and also from Guru Usha Shridhar under the auspices of Oasis School of Creative Arts and Leaning.

Besides the technical aspects of dancing, Guru Mamatha has instilled discipline in Aarti, beyond dance, for personality development and well being. Dance is the first love for Aarti to the extent that she choreographs hybrid form of dance for college programs and is gifted in producing handcrafted artefacts and currently pursuing her doctorate in pharmacy from Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences

Guru Mamatha Karanth is the director of Natayalahairi Dance Academy and has several performances to her credit both in India and abroad. Some of dance productions are Karnataka Navarasa, Rukmini Kalyana, Krishna Vande, Karnamaham etc. THe dance dramas are based on Hindu mythology and also deal with several socially relevant themes. The highlight of the performance was the interpretation of Swati Thirunal's "Bhavayami Raghuramam" that dramatised varied episodes of Ramayana pertaining to the life of Lord Rama. It was a visual treat to observe Aarti's versatality as she quickly switched over to varied characteristics in split seconds, while maintaining the precise execution of complex movements. The Thillana revealed Aarti's command over varied "charis and Laya" patterns, blending simultaneously with stylized movements.

Aarti received brilliant musical support from Guru Mamatha Karanth for nattuvangam and choreography, Vidwan DS Srivathsa for commendable singing, Narayanswamy for fine mridangam support, Vidushi Sumarani on Sitar and Vidwan Jayaram Kikeri for flute and Vidwan Prasanna Kumar for rhythm pad and kanjeera. The compere for the evening was the young Bharata Natyam dancer Mayuri Karanth..

The Chief Guest for the occasion was be Dr R.V.Ragahvendra of Ananya GML Cultural Academy, Bangalore and the Guest of Honour was noted Kuchipudi exponent and eminent arts critic, Guru Vijay Shanker.(Mumbai).

By Guru Vijay Shanker



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