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18th May, 2023
Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA) organizes ‘Sunidhi Chauhan Live’ to observe World No Tobacco Day 2023.

In line with World No Tobacco Day 2023, Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA) and World Health organization (WHO) are organizing “Sunidhi Chauhan Live! to create awareness about the ill effects of tobacco and tobacco products among the youth and to raise funds to support cancer patients who have lost their voice to dreaded disease cancer on Sunday May 21, 2023 at Rangsharda Auditorium, Bandra at 7.00pm.

Leading playback singer Sunidhi Chauhan will present popular songs in “Sunidhi Live! Music for a Cause, the concert with the tagline ‘Say Yes To Life, Say No To Tobacco.’   

Sunidhi Chauhan said, Music is a way for me to connect with people. it brings me closer to them.  I hope my performance for CPAA (Cancer Patients Aid Association) brings happiness and joy to the people associated with CPAA and also generate funds to support the cancer patients. I am grateful and delighted to be associated with this Noble Cause.

Anita Peter, Executive Director, CPAA,  says, “We are happy that Sunidhi Chauhan has agreed to be part of the concert for a cause. She has a huge fan following and a fervor to work for the people in need. This concert will help us in raising funds for the treatment which is a costly affair. CPAA is thankful to Sunidhi for giving her voice to our cause.” 

Cancer Patients Aid Association is a registered, charitable organization that has been working towards Total Management of Cancer Patients – Awareness to Rehabilitation, for the last 54 years. CPAA assists poor patients by giving them free medical aid, food supplements, prosthesis, transport services besides counseling the patients and offering rehabilitation facilities. In addition to the entire patient care activities, CPAA plays an important role in propagating ‘Prevention through Early Detection’ by holding screening camps for healthy individuals at work places, mills, factories, etc for which they spend lakhs per month towards patient needs.

Cancer awareness lectures and screening camps are conducted by CPAA amongst healthy individuals and tobacco habituates. Annually 15,000 individuals are screened for early signs and symptoms of cancer as early detection of the disease is key in it treatment. Of the 15,000 screened almost 35% exhibited precancerous symptoms in oral cavity due to tobacco habits.

India has the largest tobacco chewing population in the world and the second largest population of those who smoke it. Presently, India has more than 200 million tobacco consumers; only 13% of them consume it in the form of cigarettes, whereas 54% consume it in the form of beedis and the rest (23%) in raw/gutka forms.

Research indicates that in India, tobacco-related cancers accounted for 27% of the country's cancer burden in 2020. According to the report, 13.9 lakh cases of cancer of which tobacco-related cancers: 3,77,830 were registered in 2020.

Tobacco use is a leading cause of multiple cancers such as oral cancers, lung, liver, stomach, bowel and ovarian cancers, as well as some types of leukaemia. WHO has established tobacco as a cause of 13 different cancers in India .Chewable tobacco causes 90% of cancer of mouth. Tobacco Kills 3,700 People Every Day,154 people every hour.Quitting at any age can make an immense difference for the user by increasing life expectancy and improving the quality of life.

Research indicates that annually lost income for households due to hospitalisation and hospital visits for tobacco related diseases amounted to Rs 6,181 crore in India. Last year CPAA alone assisted 284 tobacco chewers with financial assistance for cancer surgery cost and provided voice prosthesis to 44 cases.

Not only smokers are at risk, but second-hand smoking also causes 1.2 million deaths per year. Inhaling second-hand smoke by being in close proximity to someone who is smoking is also extremely harmful. Long-term exposure to second-hand smoke causes lung cancer, coronary heart disease and cardiac death. Non-smokers who live with smokers are at increased risk of coronary heart disease by 25%-30% and lung cancer by 20%-30%. Tobacco use burdens the global economy with an estimated US$ 1.4 Trillion in healthcare costs and lost productivity each year. 

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Date: Sunday, 21st May 2023, 7 pm

Venue: Rang Sharda auditorium, Bandra, Mumbai




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