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30th October, 2023
Shreya Devarajan performed the debut Bharata natyam

Bharata Natya Kalalaya presented the debut Bharata natyam performance by Shreya Devarajan on the auspicious occasion of Durga Ashtami on Sunday 22nd October at Veer Savarkar auditorium, Shivaji Park. The performance was noteworthy for the effortless quality, precision of intricate movements and a natural flair for expressions.

Shreya Devarajan is daughter of Anupama and Devarajan and is the disciple of Guru Geetha Venkateshwar of Bharata Natya Kalalaya and is the 8th grade student of Bombay Scottish School. At the tender of four, she was initiated to this divine art formof Bharata Natyam and was fortunate to play Bala Krishna in a dance production, directed by her mentor Guru Geetha Venkateshwar. Shreya is a Grade 3 student in Piano from the Trinity College in London and is subsequently learning Carnatic and Hindustani music as well, she is also a sports enthusiast

Guru Geetha Venkateshwar established Bharata Natya Kalalaya in 1995 and over the years has trained several dance aspirants. Geetha is the disciple of Guru Rajyakshmi Venkateshwar, who was the disciple of the veteran mentor, Padmashri Guru KN Dandayapani Pillai. Besides solo presentations to her credit for various prestigious organisations, Geetha has choreographed dance dramas like “Shakuntala”,”Lava Kusha”.”Meerabai”,”Navavidha Bhakti”.

After the invocatory numbers Shreya performed, inclusive of Ganesha Pancharatna, Shreya performed the traditional Alarippu, followed by Srinivasa. In the Devi Varnam in Simhendrmadhyamam, composition of Mudurai R. Muralikrishna, incorporating the virile and benevolent aspects of the goddess, as she defeats the demon Mahisasur. Shreya danced with confidence portraying the dramatisation of the fight between the evil and the good. Shreya performed the Shiva Padam with exquisite poses, childhood pranks in Hey Govinda, stylized and intricate movements in Thillana, composition of Balamurali Krishna and concluded with the exciting Thiruppavai.

Shreya received excellent musical support from Guru Geetha Venkateshwar on nattuvangam, vocal rendering by her dancer mother Anupama Devarajan,mridangam by Vidwan Shankaranarayan and violin by Anantharaman. Compere by Aishwarya Ramakrishnan. If Shreya continues to dance with the same amount of passion and zeal, she can definitely aspire to become a fine exponent.

By Guru Vijay Shanker


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