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11th July, 2024
Bharatanatyam exponent Sanchita Shenoy gives a brilliant performance in Bangalore

Abhinava Dance Academy (Bangalore) presented the brilliant Bharatanvayam (the path of Bharata) performance by talented Bharata Nrityam exponent Sanchita Shenoy at the Kala Dwaraka auditorium in Koramangala, Bangalore on 30th June 2024.

The performance was particularly noteworthy for its technical excellence with the execution of stylized and rhythmic movements that left a lasting impression on the packed audience.

Tall and blessed with a striking stage presence, it was sheer pleasure to watch Sanchita dance with dexterity, commencing with the Mangala Charanam in raga Saranga and Raga Malika, incorporating the Pushpanjali followed with the interpretation of Adi Shankaracharya’s Ganesha Pacharatnam that depicted the glory and the power of the elephant headed God.

With the typical “pravesham” Sanchita easily captured the audience with her effortless performance that merged well with varied hand movements and footwork which was particularly noteworthy in the Rasikapriya Jatiswaram that portrayed a fine synsthesis of music, melody and intricate movements, executed with aesthetic quality, choreographed by Guru Nirupama Rajendra.

The “piece-de-resistance” of the evening was the elaborate Varnam that gives importance to the technical essence of Bharata Nrityam, namely “Nritte”, “Nritye” and “Natya” that depicted the beautiful Purandaradasa Kannada Kriti “Hidako Bidabyada” extolling the glory of Lord Vishnu. The most amazing aspect of the performance is that Sanchita gets completely involved with her performance, thereby transforming the audience to a supreme level of consciousness and “rasanubhuti”.

Sringara is considered the Rasa Raja of the varied emotions and predominates the performance which was quite evident in the beautiful Swati Thirunal composition “Chaliye Kunjanmo” where in Radha urges Krishna to be united on the banks of the river Yamuna as the atmosphere and the animals are enjoying the spring season.

The grand finale item was the Vasanta Thillana with lyrics by Shatavadhani Dr R Ganesh that further proved Sanchita’s command over this divine art form of India.

Sanchita received fine musical support from Guru Nirupama Rajendra on nattuvangam, Raghuram for vocal, Harsha Samaga for mridangam, flute by Mahesh Swami and Veena by Gopal V. Sanchita is the disciple of Guru Nirupama Rajendra and Guru TD Rajendra and was initially trained by Guru Indu Nadig. If Sanchita dances with the same amount of passion and zeal, soon she will be among the main ranks of dancers.

By Guru Vijay Shanker

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