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21st January, 2016
Going nostalagic in Mumbai

Amidst all the commercial orchestra groups thriving in Mumbai, like a fresh breath of air comes Swar Sagarika Music Circle, a music group based in Andheri West.

This group is based on the principles of non-profit with a desire to spread good music everywhere, encouraging young and older people alike to showcase their talent in singing on stage. Even those who have never done so but have it in their hearts, there is a place here where you can sing your heart out and get applauds. and encouragement.

Swar Sagarika group has been initiated by a group of vintage music lovers from Andheri, who are striving hard to preserve and propagate the melodious songs of the yesteryears by regularly organizing musical programs and events on stage and thereby paying our respects and dues to the legendary lyricists and music composers of the yesteryears. In doing so we also give an opportunity to young singers to showcase their talent. In today’s era and lifestyle, the modern day listener has a penchant for vintage music, alongwith meaningful contemporary songs. The group has organized 25 musical events since their inception in 2004, and is gearing up once again to accumulate more and more music lovers as members of the music circle.

The act of preserving and presenting theme based musical programs requires focus, dedication and perseverance. The group comprises of media persons, singers, musicians, teachers, students and people from all walks of life who are all willing to go the extra mile to fulfill the aims and purpose of the organization. All the programs held so far have been successful ventures. Today several talented musicians and singers are part of Swar Sagarika.

In late 2015, the group organized a scintillating Karaoke Nite at Juhu Gymkhana Club on 14th November. It was attended by 150 members of the group. Thus a small music group that started in 2004 with 25 odd members turned into a crazy bandwagon of music buffs..

The latest musical event was organized on 9th January 2016 at the YWCA Andheri West for the Senior Citizens of Versova and covered mainly vintage Bollywood songs.

Anyone who loves music or wants to sing with us is welcome. Musicians who are still learning or are ready to board the music train on a journey to discover themselves or propogate their talent can call or email and we will get back to you promptly.

Subhashini Swar


Swar Sagarika Music Circle


Andheri – Oshiwara complex

Mumbai 400053

Tel – 26379759 / 9833297956

Email – swarsagarikacrazy4music@gmail.com

Webpage – http://swarsagarikamusiccircle.weebly.com


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