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Who you Fighting for – UB 40 (EMI Virgin)

2005 marks the 25th anniversary since UB40 released their first album ‘Signing off’. Now after a gap of 7 years the 8 original members who have always been together, once again jam to create a refreshing and vibrant 13 track reggae style album that speaks about the evils of war and at the same time brining about a love touched flavor into the album. The album jacket suggests that war weighs heavy on these reggae minds. While Bob Marley spearheaded the fight for rights, UB40 speaks about war and its consequences. This gives a balanced mix of moods to the album.

Their music has remained the same, sometimes slow, peppy and very much catchy. At the very first listen it’s enjoyable and replayable. While the whole album is on the plus side, the real standouts are a reggae version Kiss and say Goodbye original performed by the Manhattans. There’s also the Beatles I’ll be on my way that has good moments. Real balladic style reggae comes in the passionate Things you say you love that’s really saucy and fulfilling.

While the band addresses their music to love, there’s also a little seriousness in their music when they talk about war and fighting. Songs like Plenty More the story book Sins of the Father, War Poem revolving around the 9/11 tragedies in New York and Pentagon support this claim.

Ali Campbell made the right decision when he left his guitar and drum set to give the band its voice. His breezy vocals fade in and out neatly on this album, for Bling Bling is one stirring track that shows it. A nod to the Bhangra movement comes in infectious ‘Reasons’ the Indians vocals written and sung by Humterz and features the Dhol Blasters, waving a way for the global Asian influences

Known for their excellent tunes, the band hits the high on its compositions and excels giving off great pieces with a full orchestra style layout with complete brass section, trumpet trombone flugal horn and alto saxophone. Besides good drum arrangements, it’s a sound that’s still around and lasting.

The whole band namely James Brown, brothers Ali Campbell and Robin Campbell, Earl Falconer, Norman Lamont Hassan, Brian Travers, Michael Virtue and Astro bring out their magic 9 original pieces and 4 cover versions. The band went about making this album in a slightly different manner, going back to the days of jamming and creating songs in a live atmosphere. The result is a truly collaborative effort that shows why; UB40 still knows exactly how to get a groove on.

Rating: ****

Reviewed by Verus Ferreira

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