23rd February, 2025
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Star Trek

One cannot forget the early 90s when we would tune into TV episodes of Star Trek (most in black and white at that time). The stories were based on James T. Kirk and his fellow USS Enterprise crew members and the famous Captain Spcok with his large pointed ears. The famous line was a hit with the youngsters….. going where no man has gone before.

After its success on the small screen, Star Trek has since the past many years been a favorite on the silver screen too. The latest block buster is filled with action, comedy and amazing cosmic adventure wherein new recruits must find a way to stop an evil being whose mission of vengeance threatens all of mankind. This is the film that traces the beginnings of the Starfleet Academy, and the crew of the Starship Enterprise.

The opening scenes show a young boy of maybe 10 years or so zooming away on an open Iowa road.  Fast forward a few years and the boy has grown into Chris Pine and he’s brawling with Starfleet space cadets at a local bar.

In a universe far, far away, a young Spock is wringing his hands over his mixed heritage. He’s half human, half Vulcan, and one hundred percent confused. He is torn between living a logical, scientific life and allowing emotion to pollute his mental perfection.

In the end Kirk and Spock meet onboard the Starship Enterprise. They take an immediate dislike to each other. Both are leadership material, but there can be only one boss on board the USS Enterprise.  And Spock is boss. What happens next brings out fun, excitement and suspense.

The sound effects are the highlight here and so are the special effects. If you are an action or sci – fi aficionado, get this movie right now.

Rating: ****

Reviewed by Verus Ferreira

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