10th March, 2025
Vinyl Album Reviews
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Naturally – JJ Cale

JJ Cale, who would have turned 82 on the 5th of this December, was an unknown musician till Eric Clapton did a cover of Cale’s 1966 single, After Midnight in his 1970 debut solo album. The song turned into a huge success, prompting JJ Cale, who had almost abandoned his musical ambitions, to make his first album, ‘Naturally’ in 1972. The album was a success and it kick-started Cale’s musical journey, spanning several lovely albums and in turn, pioneering the Tulsa sound. A sound that originated from the region and is characterized by a laid back mix of country, rock, blues, rockabilly and rock ‘n’ roll.

The LP starts off with the iconic Call Me the Breeze, which was later made big by Lynyrd Skynyrd and then subsequently covered by others, including John Mayer in 2013. The entire album is a lovely easy listen but my personal favourites are Magnolia and Crazy Mama, which really define the laid back Tulsa sound and that quintessential Cale’s soft singing style that fuses with the music. Other standouts are Don’t Go to Strangers, After Midnight (of course) and River Runs Deep. Overall, it’s the excellent and understated guitar playing of Cale those leisurely envelopes the album.

We can say that if it wasn’t for Clapton, Cale would have perhaps gone unnoticed and we would have been bereaved of the great sound that he created. Clapton and Cale did a full circle later in 2007 by making a fabulous album called ‘The Road to Escondido’. And then post Cale’s demise; Clapton also did a beautiful tribute album. After all, if it wasn’t for Cale, Clapton wouldn’t have got his first huge solo success. Full circle, right? Musicians like Mark Knopfler, Neil Young and John Mayer (and of course, Eric Clapton) have been greatly influenced by Cale’s easy and brilliant style and his legacy continues because of them. As for me, I am waiting for the day when I get the sublimity and subtlety of Cale’s music in my poetry.

Year: 1972

Genre: Blues / Funk / Country / Rock

Length: 31:41

Label: A&M / Shelter

Rating: 4/5

Reviewed by Meraj Hasan

Meraj Hasan is a Mumbai based communication professional (and an amateur poet/musician) with a passion for listening to music the vinyl way. His 25-year-old Technics turntable along with a humble collection of LPs across genres like Classic rock, Classical, Blues and Jazz (amongst others) are his prized possessions.

He can be reached at +91 9833410791 or email: meraj.hasan@gmail.com



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