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Greatest Hits - Air Supply – Vol II (Import)

The Seventy's superstars to stay in the limelight comes on with full force with the distinctive style that the duos so famous for. For Graham Russell and Russell Hitchcock, making music is nothing less than pure joy something they have being doing for over a quarter - century. Best known for their towering love ballads, Air Supply seeks to break new musical ground every time they make music.

Continuing from their earlier offering of Greatest Hits, come the second and final collection that brings even more memories.

The album boasts dramatic strings arrangement, complex harmonies, and the kind of intimate ballads, fans have come to except from Air Supply. As always, Russell and Graham trade lead vocals, each voice remarkably distinct, yet together comprising one of the most recognizable blends in pop. The pieces are all finely placed here.

Side One contains songs like the beautiful I can wait forever that talks about losing a love relationship, to the cosy Two less lonely people in the world, I want to give it all, and the song that started it all for them Lost In Love.

Side Two opens on a slow note with Now and Forever, moving to the very touching Young Love, followed by the slightly rocky edged with the unforgettable The One that you Love that features exquisite choral harmonies and an arrangement that confirms Graham's gift for orchestration, You might also like American Heart and Having you Near me,.

Probing love's many dimensions and touching hearts everywhere has been Air Supply's sole ambition from the start. Wherever they go, no matter what the language or culture of their audiences, Air Supply strikes a universal chord. This entire album has songs that talk about different themes and ideas.

Air Supply's love is sure to make the entire journey of listening to this album fruitful. The partnership of Australian Russell Hitchcock’s soaring tenor vocals and Englishman Graham Russell’s simple yet majestic song writing chemistry and a foundation between singer and guitar / piano player has worked extremely well right from their beginnings in 1977. The balladic duo leave you spellbound with 12 love songs from their career.

A highly recommended musical bouquet of love songs.

Label: Arista

Released: 1985

Style: Pop

Rating: *****

Reviewed By Verus Ferreira

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